vineri, 21 decembrie 2018

Italian students wish you all best wishes in Italian and English

Typical Christmas dessert in Italy

This is the typical Christmas dessert in Italy , it is named "Panettone"

Colindam de Craciun. On Christmas eve we sing carols

In data de 19.12.2018, elevii corului Scolii Gimnaziale "Vasile Alecsandri" Baia Mare, coordonati de prof. Viorica Costenar, au pregatit un mini-concert de colinde de Craciun.
English version:
On 19.12.2018, the school choir from Scoala Gimnaziala "Vasile Alecsandri" from Baia Mare, Romania, coordinated by their teacher Viorica Costenar, organised a mini-concert of traditional Romanian Christmas carols. Here are the links to the songs:

Colinda "O, ce veste minunata"

Colinda Florile s dalbe

Colinda "Ler, Domului, ler"

Lectie deschisa "Valorile umane. Valorile mele". Open lesson"Human Values. My values"

In Saptamana dinaintea vacantei de Craciun, elevii clasei 6A de la Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri Baia Mare, coordonati de prof. diriginte Anca Man, au sustinut o lectie deschisa cu tema "Valorile umane. Valorile mele".
Lectia a fost antrenanta pentru elevi, care au reactionat pozitiv si s-au implicat activ in toate activitatile organizate.
La sfarsitul orei, ei ne-au incantat pe cei prezenti cu cateva colinde de Craciun:
Colindam de Craciun
Felicitari doamnei diriginte si elevilor pentru o lectie model!

English version:
On the last week before the Christmas holidays, prof. Anca Man and her students from grade 6A, from  Scoala Gimnaziala Vasile Alecsandri Baia Mare, offered us the opportunity to attend a demonstrative lesson in Class Counselling. The theme was "Human Values. My Values"
The lesson was very interesting and the students got actively involved in the lesson. At the end of the lesson, the students sang some traditional Romanian Christmas carols.
Congratulations to the students and their teacher!
Here is the video: Christmas carol

Iata si cateva poze de la activitate:
Here are some photos from the activity: